Monday, September 8, 2008

made it through temptation after temptation!

i am so proud of myself, i resisted quite a few temptations today. brought breakfast w/ me for the drive to t-town. stopped by both school districts in t town before playgroup and got the necessary forms. i learned i needed to get an updated tb test. i also found out the health center in town does tb testing for $10-wahoo! no need to drive around to get something simple done. did the cereal deal at target-4 boxes of healthy cereal (apprx 3.25 each w/o a sale) for a total of $1! also got cans of kidney beans marked down to .48 from .99 each (the cheapest i've seen at costco is .62 cents). that'll help when i'm making chilis and soups this fall/winter. i may go back and buy the rest-why? because i still have money on my gift cards! after i walked out of target, i spent only $5 on 18.95 worth of stuff! yay!!! came home and made snacks for us. sliced up the eggplant (oops, forgot to run by the stand), and had enough for two small trays. perfect for the toaster convection oven, and it won't heat up the house. hubby is working late, so it doesn't matter how long it takes to make the dishes, as long as the boys get fed at a decent hour. i'm already ahead, and will cook some other side dishes this evening to prep for the week ahead. less i have to do later on. when hubby gts home, its bed time for the boys, and relaxation time for me. yay!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

WOW! It sounds like you had a very productive and satisfying day! You got some awesome deals at Target! I am impressed!!