Thursday, September 11, 2008

informed consumer

i was determined not to get screwed over w/ this mess from the pool. i wasn't comfortable authorizing a repair w/o doing my research, and didn't want to have r take over for me. it was mind boggling confusing, i had to make several phone calls (i still don't know how big my pool is-that's another story) and i resorted to turning on tv so the boys would play while i took care of business. nonetheless, i handled it.

i resisted temptation again w/ eating out between playgroups today. i was starving by the time i got home, but i made it. the boys behaved when we went to the clinic to get my tb test read, and i resisted temptation to get us a special treat. we went home instead, and had a nice break.

tonight is the last bit of tempation. we have to go to f-town to pay for the roof repair. the man decided that he didn't like the lowest estimate we found, so he averaged the bid he wanted and the lowest bid, and decided if we paid him cash, he'd sign a release of liability for us. r thinks its the best way of ending this problem. i got the money order today, and my stomach was in knots since its close to every penny we have in savings. we have to do this. if we don't, who knows how much it could cost us later on. i wonder if we'll make it home for dinner, since we're cutting it close. part of me doesn't want to go out afterwards, we've been on a roll for almost two weeks. at the same time, i know this has been stressful, and we deserve a break. i think i'm going to hunt for a coupon or see if i have any g.c.s hidden for an emergency. anything to help ease the financial stress.

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