Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Motherhood and working world thoughts

Tonight was a perfect example of why I love my husband. I worked a full day, and went to complete mystery shopping after school was let out. R got home at 3:45 p.m., and asked me what I wanted to do for dinner. I told him I didn't care, I was going to complete my shops and pick up our children. I came home later this evening, children in tow, to a wonderful, homemade dinner. Yes I helped load the dishwasher, and get the boys settled w/ dinner, but overall, it was definitely a partnership. Love nights like this!

Tomorrow's a full fledged mommy day, we go to the pumpkin patch with our playgroup. It may be one of the last times we do it, only because M is going to be in kindergarten next year, and who knows what the future holds for our playgroup. Either way, I'm going to enjoy it, and let the boys enjoy the day.

BTW, today's assignment was for my friend who's a 8th grade English teacher. Loved helping out in her class, and it gave me a bird's eye into how my life is going to be with three adolescent teen boys. Yikes-I'm really going to have my hands full! On the flip side, I'm glad I have boys vs girls-it seemed like everything was drama, and gossip, and ugh, not my type of thing.

Have a restful night everyone :)

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