Friday, April 22, 2011

Sping Break

Its been quite a staycation for Spring Break-its included a trip to see Grandma and Grandpa, a special trip to the beach, a lot of playtime outside riding bikes, and having friends come over. Its felt like a great break for me too; I escaped to H's home to watch Extreme Couponing and talk about our week. We had her and the kids over yesterday to play, and the kids were entertained by sidewalk chalk and their bikes. We dealt with Elijah possibly having the stomach flu to find out it was a raging ear infection. We even managed to get away for dinner at the steakhouse as a family thanks to a mystery shop that popped up.

There was a lot we couldn't do-but that was due to a sick child in the house. It was a bummer of sorts, but it was a reminder to take down time-and focus on our health and each other; away from the computer, away from the tv, and just nurture and take care of each other. I loved having Robert home this week; I think he was happy to spend it with us too.

It will be different come Monday with him going back to work; we've enjoyed leisurely breakfasts and lunches outside, dinner being taken care of at ease without worrying about completing homework and leaving for night school.

I'm totally looking forward to summer vacation already; no worries, no places we have to go, nothing major on our radar. It reminds me of the days when we had three little ones at home and no one was in school yet-the days were just for us. How I long for that (and will miss the taste of it that we got this week). For what its worth, Rebecca had no problem adjusting to the extra noise this week-she slept and ate, and played well-if anything having everyone home made it so she was worn out sooner than later-goes to show when its a full house, there's always something interesting going on.

The days are passing quickly. Our anniversary is in two days. Seven years married ♥ my life. ♥ my husband ♥ my noisy active boys and baby girl. I am one blessed lady :)

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