Monday, February 13, 2012


This is where we were four years ago. How has life changed? We have four children, the youngest is now 15 months old, a girl who has healed my heart, and shown me I was meant to have four children of my own. We're financially stable, but forever cautious about our finances. We're at a different place in our lives. Peace of mind, spirituality, hope, love, those are consistently on my mind. I strive to be an involved parent, living intentionally with my children. Far from perfect, given to rising tempers or the ebb and flow of four children testing my patience. I do the best I can, I have a husband who is a team player. We started attending a church, the children go to a youth group, and I go to the women's bible study. My friends extend from those I met in playgroup years ago, to those I met when my children were in preschool. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I hurt when others hurt. We're planning to help others in our community that need the extra assistance-words of cancer and tumors, and G-d awful diseases are in our vocabulary. We strive to do more for others than we do for ourselves. I wonder what lies ahead in the next four years. Most of all though, I wonder what lies ahead tomorrow.

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