Wednesday, February 8, 2012

All Aboard-Day Trip to Sacramento

My FB status from late Sunday evening: Angels must have been on my side today. We lost Elijah for a few minutes while boarding the train leaving Fresno, and then lost the camera on the train ride home. Elijah was with a family friend (thanks Stephanie-your husband rocks!) and the train conductor (who knew just where my camera slipped in the cabin). Through it all, I had the perspective that I didn't care about my camera-I was just glad Elijah was safe ♥

We took our annual Cub Scout Pack train trip from Fresno to Sacramento this weekend. We left early in the morning, and had the opportunity to wander around the state capitol. Because it was "Sac Day" all the museums were free-what a wonderful day to come! We walked to the state capitol, and checked out where the Governor's office is located. We saw the rotunda with the architecture and marble and stone artwork. The kids saw where the old treasurer's office, and other places of interest were located.

We then made our way to the Railroad Museum, where it was packed with people! The kids had fun looking at the exhibits, and Robert and I saw a wonderful display of model trains. The whole experience has me looking forward to our trip next month to the Model Train Expo. Here are some pictures from our day out.

see Matthew? sort of like finding Waldo! (between the N & G, wearing glasses)

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