Thursday, August 25, 2011


I'm jumping in where I can. When I knew life was going to pick up once school started, I knew I was onto something. The words that have been on my mind are "deliberate" "gentle" "kindness" "respect". It is challenging to get up some mornings, I have four children who need/crave/want my attention. I am finding that losing the remote to the tv has been the biggest blessing-for now-I will replace it, but that is the least of my concerns. Sitting with my boys before dropping them off at school this morning, my strawberry shortcake girl playing with them, I see how blessed I am to have what I have. My biggest fear is missing out on these days-knowing how others are not as fortunate, for any number of reasons, hurts my heart. All I can do is pray-and for those close to home, offer a helping hand. Below are just a few snapshots from the first day to school.

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