Saturday, June 25, 2011

Recipe corner

I am what you call a novice foodie; I love more than just basic meat and potatos, but not quite comfortable dishing out gourmet meals. My meals tend to be a cross between Paula Dean, Rachel Ray, and Sandra Lee. The magazines that inspire me are Whole Living and Everyday Food. For international cuisine, I gravitate towards the internet, and learn as I go along. Sometimes canned, sometimes bagged; but leaning more and more towards whole food cooking. I may be a great couponer, but as I've learned, coupons do come out for fresh meat, produce, dairy, and other items. You just have to be savvy about shopping the sales.

I'm going to add recipes to my blog. Things I come across, things I've tried. I hope to get inspiration on those nights where I look in the fridge and say "Yeah, dinner out would be nice, but we have a ton of food here, but I don't know what to make." Enjoy!

What I made for the baby shower this morning and for the girls night in tonight:
Fruit Pizza

What would make a great dinner for us this weekend: Summer Squash and Zucchini Bites

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