Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekend reflection

I'm in a reflective mood-while Robert gets his hair cut, the boys sit near by for lollipops. Rebecca naps, and country music plays on the radio.

This weekend has been restful and renewing for our family. Time at home, going through the next round of toddler clothes to gift. Rebecca's clothes went to a mom of three last week. I came home with new-to-me Pottery Barn dishes from one of my Empowering Pantry friends. It was a lightbulb moment-our family is evolving from teeny clothes to needing more dishes (because owning just 6 person set at home meant we never had enough when company came over). Half of Elijah's toddler clothes is going to a mom of one and one on the way, and another mom of three. We have been blessed by our friends sharing clothes with us, and I love passing them on.

Robert bought donuts for us this morning. This is such a debt-free indulgence because between the cost of the good donuts from the local store, and a family of six, it's a treat. I juiced carrot and orange juice to counter the sugar from the donuts, and put dinner in the crock pot. I was barefoot in the kitchen, and loving every second.

I am where I need to be right now-not always on this blog documenting our lives (which I do miss from the standpoint it tells me what our lives look like) but its okay.

Tonight is couples group with church, and tomorrow meeting with the financial advisor and signing of the re-finance of our home.

Wow-that above sentence makes me sound older than 33 years old. I wouldn't change it for anything :) (I'm usually not one for self pictures, but its been awhile since I've taken a picture so I'm adding one :) )

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