Saturday, March 24, 2012


We switched up our monthly moms night out last night, and had a moms night in. I brought my crock pot chocolate cake and ice cream, along with a bottle of wine. Loved relaxing on the couch to watch I Don't Know How She Does It. Great conversation with friends, low key way of spending an evening. I could definitely relate to some aspects of the main character-and reminding myself that I need to slow down myself too.

This weekend will hopefully be the first weekend, knock on wood, that no one is sick-or sick enough to warrant a trip to urgent care. I am grateful that we have health care, so we could get all the meds we needed over the past month to get everyone healthy again. It was all sorts of crazy seeing one child get ill, and then another, then us, and back around to the others.

Low key weekend-lazy weekend-dinner out as a family, a trip to Just Between Friends, Imagine-U, perhaps some gardening, crafting. We need time to bounce back from being ill, slow and steady. Love the family time, grateful for all we have :)

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