Sunday, July 11, 2010


The weeks are flying by. Monday we went to V town, went to a park, cooled off in the water. Nice way of spending a morning, met friends while we were out. Forgot the camera at home, but had a wonderful time.

On Wednesday we went to Splash Junction to hang out. The kids enjoyed the cool water, while I sat in the shade. Its been wonderful to see all three of the boys play together, and take care of each others. Brother love rocks :)

We went to Bark in the Park as a family. M and G rode their scooters from home, and R walked Sammy. I pushed E in the stroller, when he was too tired to walk. I enjoyed the 2+ mile walk, and got in some much needed exercise.
We went to the park and played, since E is terrified of dogs and didn't want to be near them (he loves our dog, but is still spooked-maybe because he's so small compared to them?)
The older boys taking a break before the long walk home.
Pregnant profile, 16 weeks.
16 week baby bump, swimsuit style :)
E cooling off with Daddy in the pool. We've been taking the boys in the pool, but as we're outnumbered, its easier to go in the pool than stand outside and take a ton of pictures-not to mention cooler too. I captured these images on a day that was so stinking hot, we cooled off throughout the day. Love having a backyard pool this time of year :)
Daddy w/ E
G cooling off in the water.
The one shot of me at the pool, since everyone was already in the water!

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