Monday, January 19, 2009

Long weekend wrapup

Given today was a paid holiday for R, I'm considering it a long 3 day weekend. This weekend was relatively quiet, considering for most of it we were at home. We made a short trip to Costco on Saturday for diapers and toilet paper, both of which we were on our last open roll. G has made significant progress in PT, but given that diapers are cheaper than pullups, and the fact that he understands how to take it off to go potty, well, I'll take the cheaper alternative anyday. I'm a bit hopeful that this case will last awhile, as his diaper's remaining dry most the day, but I won't sweat it if it's not-after having 2 kids in diapers for so long, this is a piece of cake.

We went to urgent care yesterday, where we found out everyone was okay-Baby E included. M had a touch of bronchitis, and we have antibiotics for him, and prescription strength cough syrup for the rest of us. Love $5 copays for meds, that rocks!

Today was supposed to be baby playgroup day, but given E woke up still coughing, I decided we would stay home. An alternative plan was to check out the zoo w/ a friend, but that too was nixed. Instead we decided to stay close to home and check out the brand new park in town. That was a huge hit-number one being the kids had a ball, and all the equipment is their size, and number two, we ran into a lot of kids-some from their preschool! We came home for lunch, and after R did his homework, the five of us (plus the dog) took a nice walk around the neighborhood. The boys rode their scooters, I pushed the baby (omg, its been forever since I just pushed a single stroller!) , and R walked the dog. It was a perfect family moment, if one is even possible. Everyone felt good after getting outside, and I barely heard a cough or a sneeze-I definitely think the warmer weather helped everyone renew their physical well-being. We made dinner at home, and then settled the kids down for the night. Now I'm going to check online for work, and call it a night.

Tomorrow I have plans to hit grocery stores for my grocery game deals, and maybe hit a thrift store or two. We hope to go camping this summer, and I'm on the hunt for some camping items-no way do I want to pay top dollar for supplies, but I know the basics of what we need (thanks to boy scouts in the family), and know what to look for. At the very least, it'll be a change of pace. Its also the start of birthday season for us, I have a few gifts stashed already to get us started, but I'm on the prowl for more-just in case I run out before the next hot online tip. If I don't get to it tomorrow, no biggie, tht's the perk of planning ahead, no having to run out to the store the night before the party, already have stuff to give :)

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