Sunday, August 31, 2014


That thing you're good at, the one you think everyone is good at too? We're not. You've got a gift. We need you to know that & share it. - Jon Acuff 8/15/2014

That spoke to me. I've been dreaming again. Picking up the pieces of my shattered heart, three pieces invisible but there. It's one thing to be whole, but another tp be complete. I have plans, ideas I've been ruminating over since the summer began. I loved having an outlet to write, let myself go. With the chopping of my hair, I began the reinvention of me. The mom of four, the wife, coach, cheerleader to my family of six is opening a new chapter. Where it leads, I have an idea yet I'm open to where it takes me. 

I debated leaving this and starting an anonymous blog. Yet this is where I began and where my roots started. Using technology to my advantage, connecting my instagram and Twitter (although Twitter had been used for coupon app/ food pantry donations lately.

My life is a beautiful mess. On this day, the day after my 35th  birthday, I am more than okay with that. I'm happy to be alive and healthy. 

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