Thursday, December 29, 2011

Little moments

My boys unearthed my jewelry box in the back of my closet. Mind you-I was less than thrilled with that they took it out, but the fact that they did makes me think there is a reason life unfolds the way it does. I've been wearing a bracelet I rediscovered since that morning, and Rebecca holds onto it while she nurses. I also see what I'm attached to-and why I'm attached to it, and realize some stuff is not as meaningful or significant as I once thought. For others, the opposite is true.

The words of "Sister, sister" said by the boys throughout the days. I love how she toddles after them, curious about what they're doing, wanting to be right there with them as they play dress up and legos. I told Robert she's going to be sad too when they go back to school.

We went to the library and saw Finding Nemo. I found a new cookbook, and new inspiration for meals. Its not always easy to keep on track with our budget, and be inventive, but giving us leeway and seeing the big picture (and not sweating the small stuff) help too.

I love our family life-and helping others-and how karma works. A local mom I know has a daughter almost a year younger than Rebecca. I had offered her clothes before, but she got some from somewhere else. When she asked about purchasing clothes, I quickly offered her what I had from Rebecca-free of charge. What should have been a grocery bag of clothes morphed into a case of diapers size box full of clothes. No sooner do I make arrangements than we come home and there are three bags of clothes on my porch for my boys and Rebecca ♥

Lazy winter days, and long winter nights. Robert and I watched some crazy comedy last night that was something we normally would flip past-it makes me smile how my husband and I attempt (and do succeed) to spend time together alone, because more times than not, we have a child in our bed, or out on the couch with us, or something about the kids is weighing heavy on our minds and hearts.

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