Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Recap

2011 is eight hours away, and reading my fellow blogging friends give 'year end' reviews had me considering whether or not to post one myself. This was quite a year for us, good, and not so good. I'm not one to dwell on misery, but its impossible for me to ignore others suffering and the hurts we've felt. Yet at the same time, this was the year we gave more, and had unexpected blessings in return. I opened my heart and mind, and learned a great deal about being authentic. Even now as I struggle to understand some challenges that have been placed before me and my family, I have faith I/we will figure it out-or if not, have a story to share. My kids and husband have seen the ups and downs-and so I have seen theirs, along with our family and friends. I have learned a great deal about not sweating the small stuff yet growing uncomfortable, and then angry at the big stuff. Reading "Weird" was a pivotal experience for me-it has impacted me in such a way. Indescribable. I am not sure what the future holds, yet will live it with grace and class. As someone I know recently posted, "Dream as if you'll live forever; Live as if you only have today." This is what I've been striving for, and will continue to do so. Wishing all my family and friends peace, love, and happiness this year.

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