Monday, August 31, 2009


life is short. grab it by the horns. don't wait for tomorrow, live loud.

this is seriously what has been crossing my mind for days. first the anniversary of robert's uncle's death. it was surreal going back to his home a couple weeks back to help go through his belongings. strange to see pictures, dating back years, before kids, after kids, recent ones with his youngest two kids, including the one who will only have pictures of his daddy, too young to remember him.

then learning about the very recent death of a child, or should i say young man, who grew up on my hometown street. i remember his parents, walking by his home on walks with my high school boyfriend, talking to his mom about her boys throughout the years, hearing how they were growing up. all were younger than me, the last being 7 years younger. learned about his (the youngest's) passing almost on accident, a former classmate went to the memorial and wrote about it. learned the details, and had a weird trip down memory lane went i went to post my regards on the memorial site, and saw the names of parents who used to be the room moms, the pta volunteers, the ones that helped all the time. saw names of people i knew way back when, before the life here in k town.

its a reminder that we're all connected. we have an impact, both visible and invisible, always there.

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