Friday, August 7, 2009

Eye opening, life affirming time

The past two weeks have been a busy two weeks. Its been an eye opening, life affirming two weeks. I testified in divorce court about the breakdown of my parents marriage, I spent time with my dad and his girlfriend, time with my husband, and plenty of time with my children. We've had trips to the beach, to a Japanese garden, to the mountains, even to a tiny taco stand in Los Banos. I've given thought to goals I want to achieve, places I want to visit, and enjoying each day as it comes. I've seen how a house is not necessarily a home, how having the finer things in life is not necessarily the most expensive, and how decisions, well decisions can always be remade.

I don't know what the future holds, but I'm glad I have a supportive partner by my side. It strikes me as eerie how as I was calling R this morning, he was headed back out to the car. This is after both of us walking out of an appointment two weeks ago. We're on the same page, and while I know both of said are saying one thing to another, deep down, we're not ready to shut the door. Talk about mind blowing. Still, we're enjoying each day as it comes, relishing the life with our three boys, boys that are full of life, and wonder, and talk about the silliest of things. Our life is chaotic, but a fun chaotic.

Our lives are about to get busier, but in a different way, with school starting on August 19th (the official first day). We've spent more time outdoors this summer than in, more out of the house than in, and our days and nights have been fun. The switch to being at home will be different, but at the same time, there's only certain times we will have to be home. I truly feel that we'll figure out a new way of accomplishing what needs to get done. The next two weeks are just as busy as the past two weeks. We have a trip to Sacramento, two trips to Monterey, and possibly a trip to San Jose/Santa Cruz or Pismo. Fun! Fill in the gaps with playdates and social activities, mom night outs and fundraisers, and call it a month full of summer memories.

This month is a reward for all the work we've put into changing our spending habits. We paid for a $400 car repair with cash, and lived to see the next day unscathed. We have one more payment on one debt (dental), and are squared away with ending a couple more by October. Its very exciting, more so since I feel we're ahead of schedule. My birthday gift from my husband and children is the entrance fee for a half marathon-I'm excited about this gift to myself, because its something that speaks volumes about how I want to live my 30s.

While all this is good, there is also sad. Death, trials and tribulations, family angst, its here. We're pulling together the best way we know how, and rolling with the tide. I believe things have a way of working out, and all the struggles we face, we face for a purpose. I accept what is, and will believe things will pan out the way they should. Silver linings are sometimes near invisible, but they do exist. Such as today's.

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