Saturday, August 30, 2008

celebrate today

the pier r's uncle built

the view from napa-priceless....

not what will be, what could have been, what should have been. we had a beautiful day with the boys, a nice afternoon with friends celebrating a first birthday of a little boy. tonight the plan was to celebrate my 29th birthday. we made it out to dinner, on the way got a phone call we were dreading, but decided to continue to dinner. we made plans to drop everything tomorrow and make the four hour drive to see r's uncle. i don't know much, but i know at that moment, money was not a worry for me. nothing else mattered but doing whatever it took to ease my husband's mind and heart.
another phone call came right before the birthday flan arrived, about 9pm. yeah, not the best time in the world to have happy birthday sung-almost like viewing a train wreck in slow motion. r's uncle passed on, no more than 90 minutes after we had recieved the first phone call. so much for a celebration.


Melanie said...

J, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with your husband and your family. If you need anything at all please don't hesitate to call me. I will help you anyway that I can. Please call me if you need any help with the boys, or anything.

Janice said...

I am very sorry to hear this news. The only consolation I can offer, having just been through this is that he is no longer suffering. It doesn't make it any easier for US here on earth, but there is a tiny bit of comfort knowing that our loved ones are not in pain anymore.
I am thinking of your family!