Tuesday, July 22, 2008

i confess

i gave in. while hubby took the boys to a movie over the weekend, i bought myself the cricut cutter i've been ogling for months and months. its not the advanced one, but i did get the lowest price out there-and didn't have to pay/wait for it to get shipped-the walmart had the one i wanted in stock. now i feel incredibly guilty about it-there's every reason why i should return it, and every reason that i should keep it. hubby buys his fun stuff for work (yeah, its for work, but when he wants it, he wants it, end of story). he also gives in when he has a yen for eating lunch out-me, i choose to eat leftovers at home most days. i want this. call it the crack for the scrapbooker in me. sigh. i'm sitting on the receipt right now, in case i change my mind. oh i wonder, how it would feel to keep it while the saner part of me that says to return it. sigh.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Ooooooo I am jealous!!! I want one of those too!! If you keep yours please let me know how well you like it. I could see me asking for one for Christmas this year.

And I hear you. On one hand you feel guilty, on the otherhand, you feel like you deserve a treat for yourself. I say keep it. The damage is done, and move on from here. You DO deserve it!