Wednesday, July 9, 2008

how much can we handle?

i knew this was going to happen. a mom i know had baby #3 a couple of days ago. a little girl, with two older brothers. i know a couple of moms who have 4 kids, and seem to handle it well. each have 3 boys, and then a little girl. one mom is expecting her 5th, and as crazy as she thinks she is for having so much on her plate, i admire her for having a part time job that she loves, and still being a full time parent to her children. to add one more to the mix-a mom who thought she was done w/ her three boys (her youngest is going to preschool next year, and her oldest is eight), is pregnant with #4. so now it hits me-i'm envious. what the heck's up with that? this what i get for still being a stay at home parent? sigh-just something to think about, even if dh is relatively convinced we're done. sigh......

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I think it's just hard wired in some of us women to want to keep having babies, myself included. I am starting to think that no matter how many kids we have, and how choatic it gets, I would still want just one more. But where do you stop? When do you draw the line in the sand? I totally get what you're saying here, especially with friends you know having more kids.

Also I just read a statistic that more than 50% of all children are unplanned. It just goes to show that even if you think you're done, life may throw you a curve ball. Nothing is certain.