Tuesday, April 15, 2008

grocery shopping drama

how i'd love to go into a store and not worry about the prices of items. to know i can get the gourmet cheese, fresh bread, the seafood, all the yummy steak we can eat at home. mind you-its not that i want to eat out more, i just don't want to watch our dollars so closely. at the same time, i know my efforts pay off-we're able to eat healthy (although i won't give up my mommy treat stash, hahaha) i have a filled pantry with canned goods, spices, and mixes. we also have a freezer that's somewhat full of meat and items. i just wonder, is it ever enough?
i'm reading a book now, "You don't have to be rich : comfort, happiness, and financial security on your own terms" by Jean Chatzkywhich calls attention to why we spend what we spend-its been enlightening, and it really makes me think about how we value money. i think i need to incorporate this into how i do my grocery shopping. food for thought.
well, at least for the time being, i know our fridge is busting full of food, and i spent $60 between yesterday and today. this should leave us with enough food to last the week, except for milk (seems like a gallon only lasts us 1 1/2 days between the 4 main eaters). now i'm off to make myself lunch-something yummy from the stuff i bought today :-)

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